Building on top of the Rift is easy, and there are a several ways to get involved.

Bag Levels

You can use Rift Bag Levels for several things in your project, like:

Get Bag Level on Mainnet

You can get a Loot, mLoot, or gLoot’s bag level by using the RiftData interface.

interface IRiftData {
    function getLevel(uint256 bagId) external view returns (uint256);

Then simply pass along a bag’s ID.


<aside> ⚠️ gLoot bag IDs must be offset by adding ‘9997460’ to their value, i.e., for gLoot bag with tokenID 1 you’d call <RiftData>.getLevel(9997461);


Awarding XP

The power to award bags with XP is the cornerstone to the Rift’s solution to the Loot Value Paradox.

Loot bags should be awarded XP for participating in all facets of the Lootverse: